What are you "doing" for Easter?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lent is almost finished, and the season of Easter is nearly upon us.  But before we get ahead of ourselves, what are you "doing" for Easter?

At Christmas, we make plans, send Christmas cards, thank important people in our lives, and so on. The feast of the Lord's birth is an easy way for us to remember to appreciate these many blessings in our lives which come from the Lord.

But what do we do at Eastertime?

Why not take 10 minutes this week and write a thank you note to someone who has blessed your life?  It is a way to practice gratefulness, as well as encourage the good works of others which often go unnoticed.  To go a bit further, why not write a thank you note to our parish priests who devote themselves tirelessly year-in and year-out to our care.  Think of the many ways in which you have been blessed by the Catholic Church, and send them a note to say THANKS!

We have a tradition of writing Christmas cards in our country.  Let's try to write a few notes of gratefulness before Easter as well.


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