God’s people are called to fight for the God-given rights of every human being – from the unborn child to the prisoner on death row. Getting engaged in the work of justice, in the light of Christ, is a way to examine our own sinful negligence and prepare our hearts for the happiness of Easter.
The next Parishioners for Life meeting is Monday, Feburary 8th, 7:00 pm in the Saint Agnes Parish Center.
Please join us. If you are interested in helping with our work, but can’t make the meetings, please e-mail saparishforlife@gmail.com so we can keep you informed of local pro-life activities.
How can we be PRO-life every day?
By maintaining a positive attitude towards others,
appreciating the unique person that God has created in each individual,
reaching out in kindness and compassion,
praying for the unborn, disabled and elderly,
and giving alms to the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable in our society.
“Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for Me."
Matthew 25:40
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an organic, chemical-free method that is just as effective (99%) as the Pill at postponing pregnancy, and nearly twice as effective as IVF for achieving pregnancy. The divorce rate among couples that practice NFP is less than 2%.
Matthew 25:40
Baby Shower for the Unborn
A huge thank you for the donations to the annual baby shower to help unborn children and their mothers! The Pregnancy Help Office of the Archdiocese of Boston received a van full of needed baby items and over $1,500 was donated to the Fund for the Unborn. Thank you so much for all of your donations. We are so blessed to be part of such a kind and generous parish community. Thank you!
40 Days for Life Boston – Lenten Campaign
The next 40 Days for Life Boston campaign will begin on Ash Wednesday and continue through Lent. Saint Agnes will be committing to at least an hour each week during Lent. The day and time to be determined. Please e-mail saparishforlife@gmail.com for more information or call Eileen Cahill (617-335-8455).
The Boston Prayer Launch for the 40 Days for Life campaign is Saturday, February 6th at 6 pm at Betania II in Medway. There will have Mass celebrated by Rev. Michael McNamara, followed by speaker Catherine Adair, former worker at Planned Parenthood, and refreshments and fellowship to end the evening. Please RSVP to annie40days@gmail.com or call 781-769-5398. Please join us. There is no cost for this event.
LOCAL Natural Family Planning
Attention Married Couples! Would you like…
- a natural, hormone-free way to postpone pregnancy?
- to start a family or have another child?
- to improve communication with your spouse?
- to learn more about church teaching on "the Theology of the Body?"
- to understand why the Bishops, Little Sisters of the Poor, and so many others have fought the HHS mandate?

Do you want to learn more? Josh and Meredith Phelps are certified teachers of a 3-class NFP series offered in our locale! For sign-ups, details, or questions about dates, please email Meredith.Phelps@gmail.com.
For more information about NFP available from the diocese, you can checkout this webpage, or this brochure.
Project Rachel
Project Rachel is a confidential Catholic outreach ministry offering healing, compassion and hope to women and men hurting from an abortion experience. People are available to listen, to answer questions, to pray for you, and to help in any way. Project Rachel can help begin the experience of forgiveness, freedom and peace waiting for you in the tender embrace of God’s love and mercy. The phone number for Project Rachel is 508-651-3100, email is help@ProjectRachelBoston.com, and the website is www.ProjectRachelBoston.com. All inquiries are confidential.
“All life has inestimable value even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.”
-Pope Francis-