**Please note that due to the predicted snow, Sunday morning Coffee Hour is
CANCELLED for Sunday, February 15th.**
If you plan to go to a later Mass after digging out from the snow,
join in at NOON Mass, celebrating World Marriage Day!
All married couples are cordially invited to attend, renew their marriage vows
and celebrate their commitment to married life and each other.

CANCELLED for Sunday, February 15th.**
If you plan to go to a later Mass after digging out from the snow,
join in at NOON Mass, celebrating World Marriage Day!
All married couples are cordially invited to attend, renew their marriage vows
and celebrate their commitment to married life and each other.

How can we be PRO-life every day?
By maintaining a positive attitude towards others,
appreciating the unique person that God has created in each individual,
reaching out in kindness and compassion,
praying for the unborn, disabled and elderly,
and giving alms to the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable in our society.
“Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for Me.”Matthew 25:40
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life
Our community will join hundreds of other cities on February 22-March 29 to participate in a life-saving campaign made up of prayer and fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigils. You are invited to stand and pray during the 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood in Boston, and to spread the word about this important ministry.
Saint Agnes has committed to prayer outside of Planned Parenthood on Sundays from 2:00-3:00 pm, beginning February 22nd. We will leave Saint Agnes parking lot at 1:30 pm each Sunday. We invite you to join us at least once during the campaign. For more information, visit www.40DaysforLife.com/boston, or email Eileen Cahill at SAParishforLife [at] gmail.com
Do you like to Run (or walk?)
Calling all runners and walkers… have you heard of the national organization LIFE Runners? It is the world’s largest Pro-Life Running/Walking Team with chapters in all 50 states and 17 countries! LIFE Runners pray and run (or walk) to defend Life from conception to natural death… All in Christ for Pro-Life! There are two chapters in Massachusetts (Springfield and Still River), but no Boston area chapter yet. Would you be interested in starting a Boston area chapter of LIFE Runners? E-mail SAParishforLife [at] gmail.com or call Eileen Cahill at 781-643-5915. This would be a great way for all ages in our parish and our community to work and pray together to support God’s gift of life.
“All life has inestimable value even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.”
-Pope Francis
LOCAL Natural Family Planning
Attention Married Couples! Would you like…
- a natural, hormone-free way to postpone pregnancy?
- to start a family or have another child?
- to improve communication with your spouse?
- to learn more about church teaching on "the Theology of the Body?"
- to understand why the Bishops were so unsettled by the HHS mandate?
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an organic, chemical-free method that is just as effective as the Pill at postponing pregnancy and nearly twice as effective as IVF for achieving pregnancy. The divorce rate among couples that practice NFP is less than 2%.
Want to learn more? Josh and Meredith Phelps are certified teachers of a 3-class NFP series, offered in our locale! For sign-ups, details, or questions about dates, please email Meredith.Phelps [at] gmail.com.
Project Rachel
Project Rachel is a confidential Catholic outreach ministry offering healing, compassion and hope to women and men hurting from an abortion experience. People are available to listen, to answer questions, to pray for you, and to help in any way. Project Rachel can help begin the experience of forgiveness, freedom and peace waiting for you in the tender embrace of God’s love and mercy. The phone number for Project Rachel is 508-651-3100, email is help [at] ProjectRachelBoston.com, and the website is www.ProjectRachelBoston.com. All inquiries are confidential.
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